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Workforce Demographics Data

The Office of Civil Rights is tasked with analyzing workforce data related to the employment cycle and identifying the triggers leading up to potential barriers of employment. If you are interested in receiving workforce data specific to your bureau, please fill out the form below or email Cristina Bartolomei at [email protected]. Your request must include the following explanations: 

1. What is the purpose of your request? 

2. When will you need the data? 

3. Will you need a tailored briefing from OCR experts?

Please feel free to specify something that isn't listed here. 

Note: As of November 2020, due to limited staffing, we are limiting data requests to include only the following: 1) General Workforce Breakdown by Gender, Disability, Race, Ethnicity, National Origin; and 2) GS Breakdown by Gender, Disability, Race, Ethnicity, National Origin.