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Governance Board Participation by the CIO

ICAM Advisory Council

The Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) Advisory Council oversees, governs and coordinates ICAM related functionality and services across the DOC enterprise. It coordinates the technical, enterprise architecture, business, budgetary and research aspects of ICAM services for the DOC enterprise. It represents those interests within the DOC IT governance processes as well as overseeing interagency, intergovernmental and external coordination on ICAM related issues. It supports this oversight and coordination through analysis, reports, studies and other means conducted by the ICAM Advisory Council, designated work groups, PMO support, other headquarters support, or component support.

CIO Governance Board Membership List as of November 30, 2018


Governance Board Name

Program Code 

Bureau Code

CIO Involvement Description

Commerce CIO Council 



The DOC CIO Council is to serve as a decision-making body to establish policy and to provide guidance on IT management practices which will ensure effective collaboration and bring all DOC IT into the 21st Century.

Commerce IT Review Board (CITRB)



The DOC CIO co-chairs the CITRB along with the DOC CFO/ASA; the CITRB is part of the department’s Investment Review Process and is focused on acquisitions required to support major investments and non-major investments with life cycle costs at or above $10 Million. CITRB ensures IT investments have an acceptable IT acquisition plan, risk plan, and an acceptable business case. It provides approval or disapproval by the CIO of requests for IT Investment Authority (ITIA) and the Acquisition Plan.

Commerce IT Programmatic Review



The DOC CIO chairs this review which is focused on the programmatic review of existing IT programs or projects. Programmatic reviews are more formal and may be attended by the entire CITRB Board membership. These reviews ensure that an IT program or project is aligned with strategic plans, supports mission requirements, complies with enterprise architecture guidance and IT policies, minimizes all project risk, and demonstrates value as defined by the stakeholders of the initiative.

CIO Review



The DOC CIO holds a CIO Review at any time that will take place as a focused discussion among the program/project team and the DOC CIO, Bureau CIO and invited participants. The discussion focuses on a wide verity of topics to include programmatic concerns, inherent risks, or collaboration opportunities. ITR CIO Reviews are scheduled on an “as needed basis” at the request of the DOC CIO or by a program or project.  Prior to review the DOC OCIO will provide specific guidance.

Milestone Review Board (MRB)



The DOC CIO is a member of the milestone review board helps determine whether a major procurement has approval for the next acquisition phase. The CIO's MRB authority is inclusive of his IT and IT Investment Authority powers.

Acquisition Review Board (ARB)



The DOC CIO is a voting member of the acquisition review board. All acquisitions with a lifecycle costs, of more than $75 million are reviewed by the Department ARB. For IT acquisition that meets this threshold, the ARB and CITRB convene jointly with the CIO as a co-chair in determining if the proposed procurement should be approved, with or without conditions and inclusive of the CIO's IT Investment Authority to establish the maximum delegation of procurement authority amount and duration.

CIO Council Cybersecurity Services Governance Board (C3SGB)



The DOC, Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO), and Office of Cybersecurity (OCS) provides DOC-wide cybersecurity solutions and services to all (14) DOC operating units. While these DOC-wide cybersecurity services have individual governance and change advisory constructs, there is no regular structured way to assess priorities, and make holistic decisions with bureau input. Recognizing this gap, the DOC CIO Council commissioned a governance board to guide DOC-wide cybersecurity services.
