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Honoring Veterans at the Department of Commerce

On Thursday, the Department of Commerce hosted our annual Veterans Day event honoring the many veterans who continue their public service as civilian federal employees.

Deputy Chief of Staff Israel Hernandez opened the event by thanking veterans for their service and the important role they play on a daily basis at the Department. “Your service is as valuable now as it was in uniform,” Hernandez said.

Hernandez then presented a video message from Secretary Ross – who was unable to attend the event in person due to the U.S.-China Business Exchange trade mission in Beijing.

Expressing his gratitude in the video, Secretary Ross said: “Today, I join with Americans – across our country – in expressing my deepest appreciation for all military service members, their families, and especially those who now serve as part of the civilian workforce at the Commerce Department.”

In his keynote remarks, retired Brigadier General Lawrence E. Gillespie, Sr., emphasized the importance of recognizing the sacrifices veterans have made for the security of our nation. “Always, always hold our veterans in a place of honor, they have earned it,” said Gillespie.