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Spotlight on Commerce: Dawn Taylor, Management and Program Analyst, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)

Ed. note: This post is part of the Spotlight on Commerce series highlighting the contributions of Department of Commerce Military Veterans in honor of Veterans Day.

Guest blog post by Dawn Taylor, Management and Program Analyst, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)

My name is Dawn Taylor, I am a Management and Program Analyst with the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). I grew up in one of the most hospitable and southern places on the east coast- beautiful Charleston, South Carolina. I earned an MBA in Human Resource Management and am affiliated with several religious, educational and community organizations. Over the year, I have learned to become a lover of life. Not just for myself, but for many of my brothers and sisters in arms who are no longer here or able to enjoy it themselves.  Some are physically gone while others are mentally absent but never to be forgotten. 

The person who has influenced me the most is God. I often fail him but he keeps giving me opportunities to get it right through His Grace. The people who have influenced me the most are my brothers and sisters in arms. They are the ones who cried with me, laughed with me, embraced me, encouraged me and forced me to grow. They kicked me in the Keister and called foul when it was a foul.  I learned from them, they shaped me as a leader -in both times of war and times of peace. They never gave up on me and I will never give up on them. I find value in life and all people.

“For me, no ideological or political conviction would justify the sacrifice of a human life. For me the value of life is absolute, with no concessions. It’s non-negotiable.” Edgar Ramirez

Throughout my military career, I’ve had the esteemed privilege to learn from and supervise some of the best men and women in the armed forces. We were loyal to our mission and each other and we always had each other’s back. We were bonded. We respected one another. We embraced, valued and accepted our differences. We celebrated victories. We suffered defeat. We mourned losses and celebrated life. And, we did this all together. 

 The value and greatest common factor through it all was US and our total commitment to equality, life, victory, peace, our Nation's Constitution and each other.

     United we Stood-Side by side, wedged- prone- face down or back to back- whatever the formation -  

            WE stood together!

           Undecided and Scared- Sometimes we didn’t understand the WHY. We moved together and

                    came back together.

                Uncompromising and Strong- Standing on our convictions and integrity. We remained true to

                         each other, our Ethos and the mission.            

                             Unquestionably Selfless- We answered the call.  

I AM FOREVER THANKFUL.  I AM FOREVER A VETERAN.                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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