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Statement from Secretary Ross on the President’s Budget: “A Budget For A Better America”


The President’s budget sets forth policies that will ensure the continued economic successes of the Trump Administration.  The Budget for a Better America follows through on the President’s promise to expand our nation's economic leadership.

The budget also fulfills the President’s promise to rebuild America’s military, providing our troops with the resources they need to keep our country safe.

At the same time, the budget demonstrates the President’s commitment to putting taxpayers first with proposals that would make tough choices about the federal budget.  As the President has stressed on several occasions, the Federal debt has skyrocketed because of an unwillingness to get serious about reducing overall government spending.  His plan proposes 5 percent cuts to both discretionary and nondiscretionary spending.

The President’s Budget for a Better America is a serious and responsible plan that will build on the great achievements of the President’s first two years in office.

