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The Office of the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs Announces the Launch of the Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building

The Office of the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs is currently soliciting nominations for the Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building.   As outlined in the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018, the mission of the Advisory Committee is to review, analyze, and make recommendations on how to promote the use of Federal data for evidence building. The associated congressional report  provides excellent background material for interested parties.

Potential nominees should also review the Federal Data Strategy. The information on this site provides the vision for how the Federal Government will accelerate the use of data to support the foundations of democracy, deliver on mission, serve the public, and steward resources while protecting security, privacy, and confidentiality. 

This an exciting opportunity for Committee members to support OMB leadership in their efforts to shape the future of data management. Please see the Federal Register Notice for details regarding eligibility and application.