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Manufacturing Day 2020

"President Donald Trump continues to fulfill his promises to American manufacturers. His negotiation of fair trade deals like the United State, Mexico, Canada Agreement secured strong, innovative new rules of origin that put American workers first and strengthen the U.S. manufacturing base to support more manufacturing." Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross

Manufacturing Day

Manufacturing Day

  • President Trump Is Restoring American Manufacturing and working to Build a Stronger and Safer America.

    In every action he takes, President Trump puts America first – and that means putting American manufacturers and workers first.

    As we’ve seen throughout this pandemic, America should never have to rely on a foreign country for the supplies we need.

    No president in history has been a stronger advocate of buying American and hiring American than President Trump.

    From day one, President Trump has made it a priority to restore American manufacturing and bring our supply chains back from overseas and working to end the decades of bad trade deals that robbed our country of our greatest assets.

    President Trump has prioritized workforce development to ensure American workers have the education and training to gain good paying jobs as we restore our economy. 

    Before the coronavirus pandemic hit, President Trump oversaw a historic expansion of American manufacturing and he will do it again.

    "President Donald Trump continues to fulfill his promises to American manufacturers. His negotiation of fair trade deals like the United State, Mexico, Canada Agreement secured strong, innovative new rules of origin that put American workers first and strengthen the U.S. manufacturing base to support more manufacturing." Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross