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American Workforce Policy Advisory Board

About the Task Force

Pursuant to Executive Order 13845, "Establishing the President’s National Council for the American Worker," the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board will provide advice and recommendations to the interagency National Council for the American Worker on ways to encourage the private sector and educational institutions to combat the skills crisis by investing in and increasing demand-driven education, training, and re-training, including training through apprenticeships and work-based learning opportunities. 


The Board will be made up of two co-chairs—the Secretary of Commerce and the Advisor to the President overseeing the Office of Economic Initiatives—and up to 25 members appointed by the President from among citizens outside the Federal government. Members chosen will be representatives of the various sectors of the economy, including the private sector, employers, educational institutions, and State governments, to offer diverse perspectives on how the Federal Government can improve workforce development through education, training, and re-training for American workers.

The Board members appointed by the President could include business leaders; administrators and educators of K–12 schools, community colleges, and universities; State, tribal, and local government officials; heads of organized labor; and leaders from the nonprofit sector. The President will make reasonable efforts to ensure members represent a diverse spectrum of these sectors.

Seeking nominations

The Secretary will consider nominations of all qualified individuals to ensure that the Board includes the areas of experience noted above. Individuals may nominate themselves or other individuals, and professional associations and organizations may nominate one or more qualified persons for membership on the Board. Nominations shall state that the nominee is willing to serve as a member and carry out the duties of the Board.

A nomination package should include the following information for each nominee:

  1. A letter of nomination stating the name, affiliation, and contact information for the nominee, the basis for the nomination (i.e., what specific attributes recommend him/her for service in this capacity), and the nominee’s field(s) of experience;
  2. A biographical sketch of the nominee and a copy of his/her curriculum vitae; and
  3. The name, return address, email address, and daytime telephone number at which the nominator can be contacted.

The President and the Secretary encourage nominations for appropriately qualified female, minority, or disabled candidates. The President and the Secretary also encourage geographic diversity in the composition of the Board.

All nomination information should be provided in a single, complete package by midnight on October 1, 2018. Interested applicants should send their nomination package to [email protected].
