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Card Readers and Access

Requests for access to areas secured by card readers must be submitted by Supervisors and/or CORs via e-mail or signed memorandum to the HCHB Security Service Center (SSC).  The request must specify the areas to which access is required.  Lost ID cards with card reader accesses are to be reported by the supervisor or COR to the HCHB SSC immediately.  The report must contain the circumstances surrounding the loss of the card and efforts made to recover the card.  Replacement ID cards with accesses will not be issued without this report.  All access allowed by the lost card will be deleted.  A new ID card with specified accesses must be requested via e-mail or signed memorandum by the supervisor or COR.

To contact the HCHB SSC:
Phone: 202-482-8355
Email: HCHBsecurity@doc.gov