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Special Events

Any event that occurs in the HCHB auditorium or lobby requires additional Protective Security Officers to restrict unauthorized access to restricted areas.

When special events are open to the public, or when non-governmental vendors are invited, Protective Security Officer support must be coordinated with OSY before final approval can be given to host an event. This will require placing additional officers in the area where a special event will be held to provide needed supplemental protection for the building. Funding for additional officers is the responsibility of the host bureau. To request additional Protective Security Officers for a single event, please email three offices, at least ten business days prior:

Security Procedures for Attendees

Upon arrival to the HCHB for a special event, all visitors and their personal belongings (e.g., briefcases, purses, hand carried items) must be screened at the entrance. Visitors will be required to present a valid government-issued photo ID. Additionally, all visitors will be issued a temporary visitor ID badge, which must remain visible for the duration of the entire visit. To prevent unauthorized access to the facility, visitors will be permitted in the event space only and will be denied access any to other parts of the building (except the restrooms).