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Facility Security Committees

As defined by the Interagency Security Committee (ISC), a Facility Security Committees (FSC) is a committee that is responsible for addressing facility-specific security issues and approving the implementation of security measures and practices. The FSC consists of representatives of all Federal tenants in the facility, the security organization, and the owning or leasing department or agency. 

For information related to FSCs, please contact your Field Servicing Security Office.

FSC Training

All personnel representing an organization on an FSC (as the Chair or as a Member) is required to complete FSC training, either IS-1174: Facility Security Committee, or the in-person ISC Risk Management Process (RMP) and Facility Security Committee Training. Other personnel who should attend are Executives, Managers and any personnel involved in making facility funding, leasing, security, or other risk management decisions.

The in-person ISC RMP and FSC Training is a half-day, instructor-led course covering the ISC RMP and the roles and responsibilities of the FSC. The course is offered at no cost to participants and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. 

The online course, IS-1174 Facility Security Committee, is available via the FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Independent Study program. This course is free and takes approximately 1.25 hours to complete.

The purpose of this course is to provide Federal personnel with an overview of FSCs, including: their members, their roles and responsibilities, and policies and procedures for FSC operations and decision-making.

The course objectives are:

  • define a Facility Security Committee;
  • identify FSC member roles and responsibilities;
  • explain the FSC business, funding, and decision processes;
  • explain the FSC voting process;
  • define risk acceptance and explain necessary documentation; and
  • describe Interagency Security Committee resources and training available to assist an FSC.



Attachment Size
ISC RMP Appendix D_How to Conduct a Facility Security Committee 575.6 KB