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Performance management handbook (recognition) - appendix h

APPENDIX H. Honor Awards - Types of Awards and Recognition
Individual Individual Award
One and only one individual. The individual receives a framed certificate and medal.
Group Group Award
A group consists of up to ten individuals working together, where each person makes a specific substantive contribution to the achievement being recognized. Each group member receives a framed certificate and medal.
Organization Organization Award
An organization may be either an office, division, or subunit which is formally recognized as a separate entity, as in organization orders or charts or an ad hoc organization assembled for the purpose of working on a specific project. There are two types of organizations: There are two types of organizational awards: Single and Joint
Single Organization - one office, division, subunit or ad hoc organization, in which all or most of the people in the organization work together to complete the specific project being recognized. Single Organizational Award - the organization receives a framed certificate and medal.
Joint Organization - two or three* offices, divisions or subunits who work together to produce an achievement for which they are substantially responsible for the outcome and in which each participated fully in the achievement being recognized. Joint Organizational Award - each organization receives a framed certificate and medal.